"It was the end of the world as she knew it,
and Kate Carmichael felt something short of
-- Alissa, First Lines Contest
We took off our agent hats and our publicist hats, put on sunglasses and SPF 15 and took off for Florida earlier this month. Jon's mother owns a little place down there and it was time to check on the property. Her home is in a "backwater" region of Florida with limited email access and, though I am the proud owner of a new HP Netbook, I did not use the great little machine to post a blog entry.
The weather was perfect for winter-weary souls--60s and 70s, most days. (The Floridians say it's "cold.") We spent most of our time cleaning, throwing out items and boxing up others that Mom can use up here. We were able, however to make side trips and enjoy the weather.
We flew back in a tropical rainstorm and arrived in Philly just in time to participate in a massive Nor'easter. "At least it's not snowing," grumbled Jon as he glared through the soaked windshield as we floated down Rt. 95.
Since we've been back we've been working hard to get caught up. We've requested several partials and a manuscript or two. Again, your patience is much appreciated as we plow through the projects.
I made an executive decision while we were gone. From now on I'll request emailed partials and manuscripts. I can load them on a memory stick and read them nicely on the Netbook. Saves paper and shelf space.
Face-Lift 1496
*Guess the Plot*
1. Ember has telekinetic magic abilities, which are considered tainted by
some in her kingdom. She is sentenced to be execute...
1 day ago
We've been spoiled with the warmer weather these past couple days in Michigan. I'm not complaining--although, spring fever does make it hard to write!
It's almost warm enough to sit on the veranda in the afternoons here.
Do you think it is faster to read submissions/queries via email verses on paper? My guess is it would be. Plus, it's better for the environment. :)
Happy spring!
. . ."and in it's second printing"
No,no,no, NOT in "it's" second printing, please! There is NO apostrophe in the word "its" as used in this context!!
I notice that in "The Weekly Grapevine" at the beginning of "Town," the parade is scheduled to start at 3:00 p.m., and in Chapter 6 it is to start at 5:00 p.m. Or are there two parades?
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