Thursday, June 17, 2010


Seven things we've done since our last post:

  • Went to BEA

  • Spent a week in the Great Northwest

  • Went to a clown party in Seattle with Patch Adams (really!)

  • Visited a ranch near the Cascade Mountains where kids with addiction problems work with horses

  • Spent time visiting awesome tide pools on Oregon coast with son Joel--pink starfish

  • Attended Robert's "graduation" from pre-K (believe it or not)

  • Took on a cool new memoir (more about this later)

  • Continued to read queries, partials, manuscripts--terribly behind again, but working to get caught up!

Something we've NOT done:

  • Posted new blog entries

Stay tuned. We're back.


Aubrie said...

Sounds like you had a great time! Glad to hear that you are back. :)

WendyandCharlesSiefken said...

agreed! it does sound like you had a fantastic time! glad you got to enjoy yourselves! take care.

lord flea said...

hello. interesting blog. agree that shantaram is a killer, although it was a wee bit long. whatever happened to the movie? keep waiting but no word.
anyway, enough of gregory...i'd like to query you about MY incredibly horrific yet majestically life-altering memoir, "Heart Island." How can I query you? Don't want to do via comment, too public-y for my taste. please reply to: and if you wish, stop by and visit my blog
thanks, and keep on keepin' on!

lord flea said...

my comment seems to have whoooshed disappeared. so again. saying shantaram was exciting read, however longish. and what, pray tell, happened to the movie? any word? on to new and different treats, MY memoir. Would like to query you, but not here, too out there for me. please write me to instruct how to query you astounding new literary agents. thanks. if you're inclined, check out my blog,