We seemed to touch a chord with readers with our last post on the writing process. We received several thoughtful responses, some of which we'll feature here.
Jon and I just registered for BEA (Book Expo America) which takes place this year from May 25 through 27. BEA, like book publishing itself, is in a state of flux--it ain't the show it used to be. But we'll go because we have to go. We need to see it, feel it, and get a sense of the publishing vibe outside our Fogelsville office. It's still a great opportunity to meet with non-New York City publishers and we always run into folks we don't see often enough. I'm going on Wednesday, Jon on Thursday, taking advantage of the one-day option provided by BEA this year.
I'll leave BEA Wednesday afternoon and head over to Newark International Airport to take a flight out to the Northwest. One of our authors has been invited to a celebrity birthday party and she invited me to join her. Bonus is, I'll get to visit with our middle son Joel and his wife in Portland, OR. Jon will hold down the fort in my absence.
Busy morning with lots of queries and a few exciting possibilities. Now, on to your comments about the writing process.
Here's what Jake Seliger has to say:
NLA: Do you write every day?
NLA: Do you write at the same time every day?
JS: No, although I tend to write in the morning or late evening. Something about the afternoon puts me off.
NLA: How much time do you devote to your craft?
JS: A lot, especially if grad school in English lit counts as time spent on craft.
NLA: How do you stay on track?
JS: With a pair of rails and a great steam engine pulling me. Anyway, when I'm working on first drafts I shoot for a thousand words a day and usually hit 500 – 1,000; most of the time I read what I did the day before first, fix that, and then go on. Once done, I go back through a printout, then make those changes on screen, then give it to friends, then make their changes, then let it sit, then go through it one more time.Then I think "this time will be different," and it usually is, slightly, and then it's not.
April 29, 2010 12:45 PM
Thanks, Jake! I love your spirit, your organization, your attitude and sense of humor.
A sad post script: Chief Office Cat, literary friend and champion shredder, Norton died peacefully last Thursday. He is survived by his brother Wylie. Jon and I miss him mightily.
Jon and I just registered for BEA (Book Expo America) which takes place this year from May 25 through 27. BEA, like book publishing itself, is in a state of flux--it ain't the show it used to be. But we'll go because we have to go. We need to see it, feel it, and get a sense of the publishing vibe outside our Fogelsville office. It's still a great opportunity to meet with non-New York City publishers and we always run into folks we don't see often enough. I'm going on Wednesday, Jon on Thursday, taking advantage of the one-day option provided by BEA this year.
I'll leave BEA Wednesday afternoon and head over to Newark International Airport to take a flight out to the Northwest. One of our authors has been invited to a celebrity birthday party and she invited me to join her. Bonus is, I'll get to visit with our middle son Joel and his wife in Portland, OR. Jon will hold down the fort in my absence.
Busy morning with lots of queries and a few exciting possibilities. Now, on to your comments about the writing process.
Here's what Jake Seliger has to say:
NLA: Do you write every day?
NLA: Do you write at the same time every day?
JS: No, although I tend to write in the morning or late evening. Something about the afternoon puts me off.
NLA: How much time do you devote to your craft?
JS: A lot, especially if grad school in English lit counts as time spent on craft.
NLA: How do you stay on track?
JS: With a pair of rails and a great steam engine pulling me. Anyway, when I'm working on first drafts I shoot for a thousand words a day and usually hit 500 – 1,000; most of the time I read what I did the day before first, fix that, and then go on. Once done, I go back through a printout, then make those changes on screen, then give it to friends, then make their changes, then let it sit, then go through it one more time.Then I think "this time will be different," and it usually is, slightly, and then it's not.
April 29, 2010 12:45 PM
Thanks, Jake! I love your spirit, your organization, your attitude and sense of humor.
A sad post script: Chief Office Cat, literary friend and champion shredder, Norton died peacefully last Thursday. He is survived by his brother Wylie. Jon and I miss him mightily.
Condolences on the loss of your sweet kitty.
I am so very sorry to hear of Norton's passing. Wishing your family many moments filled with happy memories of your departed friend.
I'm so sorry to hear of your sweet friend's passing.
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