Maybe it’s the weather, maybe it’s something else, but many of the emailed queries I’ve been reading in the past couple of days have been quite good. I’ve invited a couple of authors to send us partials and am looking forward to what they will send.
I did what no agent should do last month. I fell in love with a query. Why is this a bad idea? Well, for one thing you really can’t get a sense of someone’s mastery of writing in an emailed query. For another, it’s just a QUERY, for God’s sake! But, I fell in love with the plot line and the first few sentences of the first chapter which the author included. So I whisked off a quick, “Please send more” response. Then I forgot about it….for awhile. But wouldn’t you know, the one query I fall in love with is the one whose partial never came. I waited some more and finally, for the first time ever, wrote back to the author and asked where the partial was.
Poor author responded that he/she had had a crisis of confidence and assorted health problems. Author assured me that my interest in his/her book was enough to get him/her moving again. The author told me that the partial will come one of these days.
I hope so. I still can’t get that query out of my mind. Am I out of my mind?
Face-Lift 1483
*Guess the Plot*
*The Violet Raven*
1. Ginnie's vision has expanded beyond the human norm into colors that only
animals can see. But after she uses her...
2 days ago
1 comment:
You're not out of your mind, they chickened out. We who are oft rejected would like to deliver a swift kick in the pants to those who blow the chance to be read.
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